
The expo-community GitHub organization is a collection of repositories for Expo projects. We're currently getting it set up and starting with a few repos. The types of repos we have in mind include project-management tools, CI integrations, components, integrations with proprietary services, and so on.

Org Management

Each repo maintainer administers the repos for which they're responsible. There are also a small number of expo-community stewards who have admin access to all repos if they need to act as moderators. Some members of the Expo team are org owners and are responsible for accepting repos into or transferring them out of this org and moderation.

Public Repos

All of the repos under this org are public. It is under GitHub's free plan.

Maintainer Expectations

The repos in this organization generally need to be maintained. We find that repos are often best maintained when their maintainers are using the library in production. When a maintainer's priorities change or they aren't using the library in production anymore, we ask they transfer ownership of the repo to a new maintainer who is using the library in production or transfer the repo out of the expo-community org. If someone steps up to maintain a repo and cares about it working well in production, that's a good signal it still belongs in this org.

We also would like to see sustained maintenance and health of a repo before accepting it into the expo-community org. A maintainer's track record also helps too. Holistically speaking, we want the repos in this org to be durably healthy.

Code of Conduct

The Expo community guidelines apply here to everyone, including participants on GitHub issues. We expect maintainers especially to set positive examples.